Ti (Stephen Chow) is a hard working labourer who doesn’t have much. He is a single father to his only son Dicky (Jiao Xu), who he tries his best to support through private school and teach valuable lessons of how to live a proper dignified life. One day Ti returns home after a hard day of work and hands Dicky a green ball that he found at the dump, for him as a gift. This green ball, which Dicky names CJ7, turns out to be some alien dog type thing and the adventure begins.
This movie was definitely a must watch for me, especially after I saw “Kung Fu Hustle” a few years ago. This is Stephen Chow’s first movie since “Kung Fu Hustle” and it takes him back into his kiddy phase of comedy. There are a lot of slapstick humour elements to this movie, but the backbone of this movie is the family moral teaching theme. Therefore, if you’re looking forward to another “Kung Fu Hustle” wait another two years (the sequel is scheduled for then according to IMDB). This movie however is still pretty good, if you are like me and like the kiddy/cute humour, and especially if you’re into asian comedy you will still enjoy the movie.
The visuals in the movie are to be expected from a Stephen Chow movie, after seeing “Shaolin Soccer” and “Kung Fu Hustle” you should know what to expect. Nothing here is too brilliant in the CGI department, but still appealing to the medium and themes. I love where Stephen throws in his plain over the top slapstick stuff, like the entire dream sequence and the dance that CJ does every time he uses his magic.
The acting is okay (ie. no Oscars coming his way). However, I loved a lot of the facial expressions throughout the film. This is where Dicky shined. He just made some classic facial expressions, especially in the scene where he saw CJ7 ‘activate’. I’m sure it is the type of picture that every high school to college student will be using as their facebook profile picture for a while when they see it.
Overall, I think this movie is okay and worth a watch if you’re a Stephen Chow fan or a fan of silly slapstick asian comedies.

IMDB says 6.6/10
Rotten Tomatoes says 44%
I say 6.0/10