Editors Note: For those of you who don’t know Damion is my friend and co-host of my podcast – The Unnamed Movie Podcast aka TUMP. This is the first time he’s writing (I believe) ever… so please be kind to him. Otherwise enjoy and let’s see how long it takes to get column #2 out of him.

My Fearless Leader and Supreme Overlord Sir. Andrew Robinson T.U.M.P. Bsc. (Author of the website) decided that GmanReviews.com would strive for a level of excellence, the problem was/is he has kept the level he is striving for a secret. I (Damion Whyte) am striving for the basement level of excellence as such I have decided to finally start contributing to my overlord’s relentless pursuit of world domination… umm a Level of Excellence.
Jamaica is a Tropical Paradise (Fact) so why do we waste time inside watching movies instead of being outside:
- We are idiots
- 1+1= …
- We love Movies.
Cormack McCarthy wrote that four things would destroy the earth; women, whiskey, money and movie critics. Since I am woefully lacking in the first three departments and it takes nothing to pretend that my opinion is a critique, I intend to participate both in the destruction of the earth and the aforementioned plans of the Supreme Overlord.
Movies are a mature art form and they are cheap, the six people who read this site should remember that anytime not spent enjoying friends and family is time wasted. Movies, whether good (The F.P.) or bad (War Horse), provide vehicle to escape the harshness of reality and spend time with those most precious. Nobody on their death bed ever said if only I had spent more time arguing with idiots in the comments.
Please be reminded that Sir. Andrew Robinson T.U.M.P. Bsc (Fearless Leader and Supreme Overlord) is 100% right almost 100% of the time and that only with his guidance can ascension to Movie Heaven be complete.
Outside of listing The F.P. as good, sorry but Andrew steered me wrong on that one, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed your introduction to the site. It is great to see that the wit you display on the podcast translates nicely into print.