I have on occasion written about my state of mind about this blog and it’s very existence from time to time. Almost as if I were to be breaking the fourth wall at times. My most recent posting came as a commemoration of my 1000th post on the site which served as an almost history as to how this blog came into being (read here).

What I don’t think I’ve ever truly expressed is what this blog ended up becoming and how last night (or tonight if you want to know how little prep time I put into writing these posts) has sort of made me re-evaluate the value of this little stoop that I’ve carved out for myself on the interwebs that is gmanreviews.com.

At first the blog was all about me thinking that I can do what those like Peter Sciretta has done with /Film, Neil Miller has done with Film School Rejects and Alex Billington has done with FirstShowing.net (the three best film news/editorial blogs in my opinion; if only they were paying me for this publicity). Slowly but surely I got a rude awakening that me replicating that effect, especially not being a US resident who can get in and rub shoulders with publicists and attend a ton of big events to cover, would be more than difficult. So I started at that point to rather than keep pushing myself to be that, to enjoy being what I was. The only problem with that is that I wasn’t sure what I was.

What was I? Was I a news blog? A film review blog? A podcast? Or just some random ramblings adding to all the noise that is the internet? I guess I am a lot of that, but maybe not as blatantly stereotypical. Slowly but surely I came to terms with my audience limitations as much as this platform (gmanreviews.com) is and decided to just keep going. Write as much and as often as I could manage and be as true and honest as I’m able.

This decision made me start to notice a lot of other blogs, like: A Life in Equinox, Movie Moxie, ScreenGeeks, The Matinee, MILF, etc… It stopped being about me trying to be a big wig and more about me just trying to find my own little community, and I’m happy to say that I found one I love. I love everytime I get a comment from Ryan ‘Hatter’ McNeil about how I be silly, Ryan Helms about how I need to watch more Kurosawa or from Moxie about how I need to be nicer to those Twilight fellows and much more. I know that I’m not perfect as well as they know that they aren’t but when we get together the rest of things go away and it becomes the equivalent of a digital living room of movie geeks just talking films and messing about laughing at that one guy (most times myself) who thought that Van Damme was in some art movie this year.

Last night I received a package from a fellow blogger (I will not reveal names) and I have to say that when I started this blog even up till when my ideas and perceptions of what this blog was and could become I would never imagine that I would have some form of non digital contact with any of these people that I’ve created these relationships with. It’s made me almost giddy that it pushed me to write about it (that and the post I had planned for today I had to delay :P).

Well I just felt like immortalizing my feelings of glee at this moment with a posting and that’s all, which in itself sort of redefines what this blog is a little more.

Thanks for reading/listening and I hope for a lot more interactions as time goes by.


Andrew Robinson

This is my blog. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My blog is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my blog is useless. Without my blog, I am useless. I must fire my blog true. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my blog and myself are defenders of my mind, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.