
If you happen to be a dumb sexy guy or girl who likes to go camping then Crystal Lake Camp might be your thing. However, Jason Voorhees [Derek Mears] is lurking and for some reason people don’t make it back home after heading out into those neck of the woods. Another group of nameless actors and actresses head out to Crystal Lake to get stoned, have sex and eventually get hacked to shreds by this huge guy with a hockey mask.

Now let me not say that I had hopes for this movie to blow me away, but I at least hoped that it would offer me a decent time with some really cool kills. However the movie is an epic fail.

The movie opens with an amazing fifteen – or so – minute sequence which I thought was awesome and it was mainly because the way that Jason killed the people was amazingly messed up, it made me think that Jason was taking notes from Jigsaw [from Saw]. Like if everyone else was going to be killed in such a messed up way I would’ve loved this movie, however it just decided that after the opening sequence the writers would introduce some of the worst actors and the first group of characters which I didn’t want any of them to stay alive for longer than fifteen seconds. I’m not sure if they purposely made them into some of the most retarded and hated characters ever so that I would only want them used as target practice for Jason’s archery skills or so that I would hate this movie even more than I ever thought I could.

Trent [Travis Van Winkle] is possible the biggest asshole/idiot I’ve had the privilege to watch on the big screen in a long while. After he appeared and began talking, I wished I had just paid to go see Chun-Li again instead. They didn’t make one thing about this guy likeable. And you hated all of his friends because it was obvious that they were his friend for one of two reasons: (1) he’s rich; or (2) they are as much of an asshole as he is. The best scene in the movie has to be when Chewie [Aaron Yoo] went out to the shed and had a whole thing calling Trent a “douche bag” behind his back and having some fun jokes in the shed, other than that this movie was a massive waste of time.

Also, another aspect of this movie that I can comment on is the nudity. Yes I know this is a bit of a male topic since it’s painfully obvious that you will be seeing breasts. I found that the nudity wasn’t that interesting. The first pair of breasts looked so fake and was not very pleasing to look at and the rest were average at best. So since the producer wouldn’t shell out the cash for a good screenplay or decent acting talent they couldn’t even cast a nice looking pair of boobs.

The rest of the movie hinged on Jason, and since he doesn’t talk there isn’t much else to go on here. The action/kills varied from mildly interesting to painfully obvious and I felt like the character suffered from switching from being super-human – which I would believe since he did come back from the dead apparently – to being grounded in reality and giving the slabs of meat a chance to escape. Each time they got a chance I felt like the movie was missing out on this chance to show us how freaking awesome Jason could’ve been. But then again, nothing is perfect and this movie sure as hell is not that.

Overall this movie has to get a failing grade. However it has interested me in what the original film is like, since the only Jason movies I’ve seen are the bad recent ones [everything since Jason X].


IMDB says 6.3/10

Rotten Tomatoes says 26%

I say 2.0/10

Andrew Robinson

This is my blog. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My blog is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my blog is useless. Without my blog, I am useless. I must fire my blog true. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my blog and myself are defenders of my mind, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.

  1. Simon

    so random question, do u have a movie rating scale. like in xxl magazine they have the rating scale to explain wat it mean s like 5 mics means it is a classic album. like you should give a scale so we know wat ure numbers mean.

  2. Greatershiloh

    hey simon u think great dude sorry i asked u do u have a girlfriend if i have to ill meet up with u and say it right to your face dude u know.

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